Papers are available on request at prehistoricgalilee@gmail.com
NMO Papers
Sharon, Gonen, Leore Grosman, Hannah Fluck, Yoel Melamed, Yoel Rak, Rivka Rabinovich, and Maya Oron
2008 The First Two Excavation Seasons at NMO: A Mousterian Site at the Bank of the Jordan River. Eurasian Prehistory 7(1):129–151.
Sharon, Gonen, and Maya Oron
2014 The lithic tool arsenal of a Mousterian hunter. Quaternary International 331:167–185.
Sharon, Gonen
2018 A Week in the Life of the Mousterian Hunter. In The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and Beyond, edited by Yoshihiro Nishiaki and Takeru Akazawa, pp. 35–47. Springer Singapore, Singapore.
Yarochevich A. Oron M. & Sharon G. 2022. Big-game hunting during the late Middle Paleolithic in the Levant: Insights into technology and behavior from Nahal Mahanayeem Outlet, Upper Jordan River, israel
Martin-Viveros, J.I., Oron, M., Ollé, A. et al. Butchering knives and hafting at the Late Middle Paleolithic open-air site of Nahal Mahanayeem Outlet (NMO), Israel. Sci Rep 13, 112 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-27321-5
NMO Stratigraphy and Environment
Kalbe, Johannes, Gonen Sharon, Naomi Porat, Chengjan Zhang, and Steffen Mischke
2014 Geological Setting of the Middle Paleolithic Site of NMO (Upper Jordan Valley, Israel). Quaternary International 331:139–148.
Kalbe, J., Mischke, S., Dulski, P., Sharon, G., 2015. The Middle Palaeolithic Nahal Mahanayeem Outlet site, Israel: Reconstructing the environment of Late Pleistocene wetlands in the eastern Mediterranean from ostracods. Journal of Archaeological Science. 54, 385–395.
Aharonovich, S., Sharon, G., Weinstein-Evron, M., 2014. Palynological investigations at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Nahal Mahanayeem Outlet, Israel. Quaternary International. 331, 149–166.
Biton, R., Bailon, S., Goren-Inbar, N., Sharon, G., Rabinovich, R., 2019. Pleistocene amphibians and squamates from the Upper Jordan Rift Valley, Gesher Benot Ya’aqov and Nahal Mahanayeem Outlet (MIS 20-18 and MIS 4/3). Quaternary Research. 91, 345–366.
Maul, L.C., Rabinovich, R., Biton, R., 2020. At the southern fringe: extant and fossil water voles of the genus Arvicola (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Arvicolinae) from Israel, with the description of a new species. Historical Biology.
Related papers
Sharon, G., Feibel, C.S., Belitzky, S., Marder, O., Khalaily, H., Rabinovich, R., 2002. 1999 Jordan River Drainage Project Damages Gesher Benot Ya’aqov: A Preliminary Study of the Archaeological and Geological Implications. In: Gal, Z. (Ed.), Eretz Zafon – Studies in Galilean Archaeology. Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, pp. 1–19.